Understanding Different Types of Inheritance in Java - Hybrid Inheritance

Today I will finish presenting the types of Inheritance in Java, we will take a look at the last type: Hybrid Inheritance.

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Hybrid inheritance is a combination of multiple inheritance and hierarchical inheritance. It occurs when a subclass inherits properties and behaviors from multiple superclasses, and also from one or more subclasses.

When is this type of inheritance useful?

Hybrid inheritance is useful when you want to create a complex class hierarchy that combines the benefits of multiple inheritance and hierarchical inheritance

However, it can be difficult to manage and maintain, as it can lead to complex relationships between classes.

Let's see this more visually:

Image taken from https://www.javatpoint.com/

In conclusion, inheritance is a powerful and versatile tool in Java that allows you to reuse code, create class hierarchies, and organize your code in a clean and efficient manner. Understanding the different types of inheritance in Java can help you choose the right inheritance strategy for your needs, and ensure that your code is well-organized and maintainable.


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