Digging into Python: Data Types

Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that the data type of a variable is determined at runtime based on the value it holds

Python provides a number of built-in data types, each with its own set of operations and methods.

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Here's an overview of some of the most used data types in Python:


  • Integers (int): Integers are whole numbers without decimal points. They can be positive or negative, and there is no limit to their size.
  • Floats (float): Floats are numbers with decimal points. They can also be positive or negative, and there is no limit to their precision.
  • Strings (str): Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in quotation marks (either single or double). They can be indexed and sliced like lists, and there are a number of built-in methods for working with strings.
  • bool: holds either True or False

  • Lists (list): Lists are ordered sequences of elements, which can be of any data type. They are mutable, meaning that you can add, remove, or modify elements in place.
  • Tuples (tuple): Tuples are similar to lists, but are immutable, meaning that their elements cannot be changed once they are created.
  • Dictionaries (dict): Dictionaries are unordered collections of key-value pairs. The keys are typically strings or integers, and the values can be of any data type. Dictionaries are mutable and can be modified in place.
  • Sets (set): Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. They are mutable and can be modified in place.

In addition to these built-in data types, Python also provides a number of other specialized data types, such as byte arrays, ranges, and complex numbers.

Understanding Python's data types is essential. By choosing the right data type for a given task, you can ensure that your code is easy to read, maintain, and scale.


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