Beyond the Basics: Exploring 5 Lesser-Known Curiosities of JavaScript

In our previous article, we explored 5 curiosities of JavaScript that you may not have known. From its speedy creation to its built-in garbage collector, JavaScript is a language full of interesting quirks and features. 

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In this article, we will take a look at five more curiosities of JavaScript that will help you better understand the language and its capabilities. 

So, without further ado, let's dive in!

NaN is a Number

  • NaN (Not a Number) is a special value in JavaScript that represents an undefined or unrepresentable value. Surprisingly, NaN is considered a number in JavaScript, which can lead to some unexpected results when working with mathematical operations.

Strict Mode Introduced in 2009

  • In ECMAScript 5, strict mode was introduced, which helps developers write better code by eliminating some of the language's quirks and pitfalls. Strict mode enforces stricter syntax and error handling, making it easier to write code that is more reliable and secure.

Built-In Garbage Collector

  • JavaScript's garbage collector automatically frees up memory that is no longer being used by a program, making it easier for developers to manage memory. This can help prevent memory leaks and other memory-related issues that can cause applications to crash or become unstable.

Popularity of React

  • React is a popular JavaScript library created by Facebook for building user interfaces. It has gained popularity among developers due to its simplicity and scalability. React allows developers to create reusable components and build applications that are fast and responsive.

Continuously Evolving

  • JavaScript is a constantly evolving language, with new features and updates being released on a regular basis. This means that developers must stay up to date with the latest developments in the language to ensure that their code is efficient, reliable, and secure.

In conclusion, JavaScript is a fascinating and versatile programming language that continues to be an essential tool for developers around the world

By understanding some of the curiosities and quirks of JavaScript, developers can better understand the language and use it to create efficient, reliable, and secure applications.


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